Monday, September 30, 2019

The Consequences Of Indias Regulated Economic Development Economics Essay

The Indian economic system provides a uncovering contrast between how persons react under a government-controlled environment and how they respond to a market-based environment. Evidence suggests that recent market reforms that encouraged single endeavor have led to higher economic growing in that state. India can bring forth extra economic growing by furthering entrepreneurial activity within its boundary lines. To prosecute farther the entrepreneurial attack to economic growing, India must now supply chances for ( 3 ) Networking among possible enterprisers and their experient opposite numbers. Further, although the Indian authorities should set up policies supportive of entrepreneurial attempts, its function overall should be minimized so that the influence of the free market and single opportunism can be to the full realized. Economic development, achieved mostly through productiveness growing, is really of import to both developed and developing states. However, even though we know that higher productiveness leads to better economic results ( for illustration, higher income, more picks to the consumers, better quality merchandises, etc. ) , there has been no consensus among research workers about either the coveted way of development or the function of province in economic development. The function of the province in economic development began to alter dramatically with the coming of the Industrial Revolution. In the West, the ensuing industrialisation and economic development were based on the constitution of single belongings rights that encouraged the growing of private capital. Competition and single endeavor thrive in this environment because persons pursue their opportunism of endurance and wealth accretion. The inherent aptitude to last under competitory force per unit areas outputs invention and productiveness additions, which finally lead to both increased net incomes for concern and lower monetary values to consumers. However, the rise and spread of capitalist economy led a figure of minds to analyze the effects of the market-based attack to development. Socialists argued that capitalist economy ( or private ownership of capital ) can take to greater inequalities of income and wealth, while developmental economic experts argued that private determinations may non ever lead to socially desirable results ( peculiarly in the instance of market imperfectnesss ) . Indeed, many policymakers at the clip saw market failures as quite common and hence assumed that merely appropriate authorities intercessions could steer an economic system to a way of sustained economic development. In the early twentieth century, the former Soviet Union attempted a bold experiment of bettering single wellbeing without giving the aim of greater equality of income and wealth through entire ownership of capital by the authorities. Initially, the Soviet Government was able to raise productiveness through directed industrialisation and, within a span of 25 old ages ( by the terminal of World War II ) , emerged as a world power. It was around this clip that a significant figure of colonised states were deriving their independency ( for illustration, India, Pakistan and Burma ) . Unfortunately, during their clip as settlements to the Western states, these states, for the most portion, had been deprived of the industrialisation that had engulfed those same Western states. Based on the successful experience of the former Soviet Union, many economic experts and policymakers concluded that, peculiarly in a hapless state, planning was indispensable for the efficient allotment of an economi c system ‘s resources. The authoritiess in these freshly independent states assumed a important function in economic development. They sought to rapidly and well raise the criterion of life through directed and controlled economic development. Apart from everything else, these developing states invested to a great extent in instruction to advance literacy and to guarantee an equal supply of proficient work force to run into their turning demands. Further, these antecedently colonized states did non desire to subject their hapless and weak economic systems to international economic fluctuations and therefore sought to industrialise through import replacing industrialisation, where imports were expected to be progressively replaced by domestic production. In this paper we examine economic development in India, a former British settlement that became one of the most closed economic systems in the universe, to contrast the functions of authorities intercession and single endeavor in that state ‘s economic growing. In peculiar, we demonstrate that, given recent economic reforms in India, along with the grounds for the function that single endeavor can play in a state ‘s economic growing, the Indian authorities should invent policies that rely more on single endeavor, with its accent upon single enterprise and opportunism, to spur economic development. Further, we describe the particular function that can be played in the economic development of India by a greater accent upon entrepreneurship. The program of the paper is as follows. Section I summarizes the scheme of economic development and the overall economic environment that has prevailed in India since its independency from the United Kingdom. Section II analyses the effects of regulated economic development in India, with peculiar accent on the deductions of the microeconomic facets of India ‘s attack to its economic environment. Section III assesses the consequences of India ‘s economic reforms since the state ‘s economic crisis of 1990, and highlights the function that single endeavor has played and can go on to play in that state ‘s economic lucks. Section IV describes the particular function that entrepreneurship can play in India ‘s attempts at economic growing. Finally, subdivision V summarizes the chief findings and concludes the paper.I. INDIA ‘S STRATEGY OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTIndia ‘s economic development scheme instantly after Independence was based chiefly on the Mahalanobis theoretical account, which gave penchant to the investing goods industries sector, with secondary importance accorded to the services and family goods sector ( Nayar, 2001 ) . For illustration, the Mahalanobis theoretical account placed strong accent on excavation and fabrication ( for the production of capital goods ) and infrastructural development ( including electricity coevals and transit ) . The theoretical account downplayed the function of the mill goods sector because it was more capital intensive and hence would non turn to the job of high unemployment in India. Any addition in planned investings in India required a higher degree of nest eggs than existed in the state. Because of the low mean incomes in India, the needed higher degrees of nest eggs had to be generated chiefly by limitations on the growing of ingestion outgos. Therefore, the Indian authorities implemented a progressive revenue enhancement system non merely to bring forth the higher degrees of sa vings2 but besides to curtail additions in income and wealth inequalities. Among other things, this scheme involved canalisation of resources into their most productive utilizations. Investings were carried out both by the authorities and the private sector, with the authorities puting in strategic sectors ( such as national defense mechanism ) and besides those sectors in which private capital would non be forthcoming because of slowdowns or the size of investing required ( such as substructure ) . The private sector was required to lend to India ‘s economic growing in ways envisaged by the authorities contrivers. Not merely did the authorities determine where concerns could put in footings of location, but it besides identified what concerns could bring forth, what they could sell, and what monetary values they could bear down. Therefore the scheme of economic development in India meant ( 1 ) Direct engagement of the authorities in economic activities such as production and Selling. ( 2 ) Regulation of private sector economic activities through a complex system of controls. In add-on, the Indian economic system was sheltered from foreign competition through usage of both the â€Å" infant industry statement † and a adhering foreign exchange restraint. Imports were limited to goods considered indispensable either to the development of the economic system ( such as natural stuffs and machines ) or to the care of minimum life criterions ( such as rough oil and nutrient points ) . It was further decided that exports should play a limited function in economic development, thereby minimising the demand to vie in the planetary market topographic point. As a consequence, India became a comparatively closed economic system, allowing merely limited economic minutess with other states. Domestic manufacturers were sheltered from foreign competition non merely from abroad but besides from within India itself. Over clip, India created a big figure of authorities establishments to run into the aim of growing with equity. The size of the authorities grew well as it played an progressively larger function in the economic system in such countries as investing, production, retailing, and ordinance of the private sector. For illustration, in the late fiftiess and 1960s, the authorities established public sector endeavors in such countries as production and distribution of electricity, crude oil merchandises, steel, coal, and technology goods. In the late sixtiess, it nationalized the banking and insurance sectors. To relieve the deficits of nutrient and other agricultural end products, it provided modern agricultural inputs ( for illustration farm machinery, irrigation, high giving assortments of seeds, chemical fertilisers ) to husbandmans at extremely subsidised monetary values ( World Economic Indicators, 2001 ) . In 1970, to increase foreign exchange net incomes, it designated exports as a p recedence sector for active authorities aid and established, among other things, a responsibility drawback system, programmes of aid for market development, and 100 per cent export-oriented entities to assist manufacturers export ( Government of India, 1984 ) . Finally, from the late seventiess through the mid-1980s, India liberalized imports such that those non capable to licensing as a proportion to entire imports grew from five per cent in 1980-1981 to about 30 per cent in 1987-1988. However, this partial remotion of quantitative limitations was accompanied by a steep rise in duty rates. This active and dominant engagement by the authorities in economic activities resulted in the creative activity of a protected, highly-regulated, public sector-dominated economic environment. Along with this authorities domination of the economic system, India shortly faced non merely some major jobs in its overall attack to development, peculiarly in the country of industrialisation, but besides a dramatic addition in corruptness in its economic system. Finally, like any other turning economic system, the Indian economic system faced a figure of serious sectoral instabilities, with deficits in some sectors and excesss in others. These effects of India ‘s government-controlled economic system are discussed in deepness in the following subdivision.II. THE CONSEQUENCES OF INDIA ‘S REGULATED ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTIndia ‘s environment of regulated economic development led to the preparation of policies that were concerned with both macroeconomic and microeconomic facets. Whereas much attending in the literature has been devoted to the macroeconomic issues, we focus chiefly on the microeconomic facets of Indian economic policies. In peculiar, we examine how persons guided by their opportunisms of endurance and wealth accretion will move in a regulated environment, which in fact discourages the chase of those opportunisms. To make so, we describe the effects of In dia ‘s usage of monetary value ceilings, in which monetary values are set below their equilibrium degree to do merchandises and services low-cost to comparatively hapless subdivisions of the society.III. ECONOMIC Reform: THE MIXED RESULTS FOR INDIADue to authorities intercession, peculiarly the high degrees of authorities subsidies, it was clear by 1990 that India was populating beyond its agencies. The consequence was a terrible payments crisis in which, for the first clip, the authorities physically transported gilded overseas to forestall defaulting on foreign committednesss. To run into its immediate balance of payments crisis, India besides entered into a structural loan accommodation understanding with the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) . However, one status of this loan required India to set about economic reforms to travel from a centrally-planned development scheme to one based on market-based resource allotments. As a consequence, the authorities of India undert ook a bundle of economic reforms between 1991 and 1993, with the purpose of puting the market in topographic point of authorities controls as the premier mover in the economic development procedure. As one might anticipate, macroeconomic policy played a major function in India ‘s economic advancement in the 1990s. For illustration, Acharya ( 2001 ) concludes that India ‘s devaluation of the rupee and its determination to increase the degree of allowable foreign investing helped it to do considerable economic advancement. Joshi ( 2001 ) and Karunaratne ( 2001 ) both say that India ‘s policy of selective capital history liberalisation helped it to accomplish of import economic aims ( and still avoided the crises faced by the East Asiatic states ) . Gupta ( 1999 ) highlights the of import function played by India ‘s prudent direction of exchange rate policy and its tight pecuniary policy. Bhalla ( 2000 ) notes both the denationalization of the populace sector en deavors and the gradual dismantlement of the authorities be aftering procedure in favor of market forces. Overall, there can be no uncertainty that the reforms implemented since 1991 have led to considerable economic advancement in India. For illustration, from 1992-1993 through 2000-2001, economic growing averaged an unprecedented 6.3 per cent per twelvemonth. Further, as indicates, the rate of rising prices and the financial shortage have both decreased well. He besides says that India ‘s improved exchange rate direction has restored the assurance of foreign investors, which in bend has led to improved funding of the current history shortage and higher degrees of foreign exchange militias. However, even though India has made significant economic advancement in recent old ages, it still has several countries in demand of major market-based reforms. Below, we identify three illustrations from India ‘s economic system that reveal a limitation of the chase of single opportunism and a recreation of resources off from their most efficient usage. The first illustration concerns the obstruction still presented by the Indian revenue enhancement system, the 2nd high spots the inefficiencies of the Indian civil service, and the 3rd describes the demand for farther land reform in India. 1. In malice of recent revenue enhancement reforms in India, the present revenue enhancement system still works against the single opportunism to last and roll up wealth and, as a consequence, still leads to the concealment of income, wealth and outgos. Indeed, whereas in the United States and the Republic of Korea, the highest revenue enhancement rate applies to an income degree of $ 250,000 and $ 66,000, severally, in India that same revenue enhancement rate applies to an income of merely $ 3,400. Simply reforming its revenue enhancement system to convey it in line with comparable states should give several significant benefits to the Indian economic system. 2. The Indian civil service provides attractive calling picks for immature occupation searchers due chiefly to the first-class occupation security, non-monetary compensation, and chances for influence available in those callings. For illustration, despite minimum wages for persons keeping top-tier places in such countries as disposal, constabulary, gross and railroads, these civil retainers are entitled to high occupation security and to a great extent subsidised lodging, conveyance, medical services, telephone privileges, and at times domestic aid. We believe that the policies underlying compensation to authorities employees should be reformed such that they are based chiefly on market rules. The advantages of making so include extinguishing sections known for corrupt patterns, doing expressed the true cost of a authorities employee ‘s public presentation, and giving authorities employees a good sense of their market worth. 3. Finally, considerable reform is needed in the Indian existent estate sector. A big proportion of the land is owned by the authorities, and any land made available for private usage is governed by antediluvian ownership, districting, occupancy, and rent Torahs. Further, this authorities control of land has reduced the sum of land available for trading intents. The consequence is that Indian land monetary values are the highest among all Asiatic states relative to mean income ( Lewis, 2001 ) .IV. THE ROLE OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN INDIA ‘S FUTURE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTThe advancement of Indian economic development from 1947 to the present provides farther grounds that persons do react to inducements in their chase of self-survival and accretion of wealth. Further, the nature of this response depends on the economic clime, peculiarly the function of the authorities. India ‘s economic system struggled every bit long as it was based in a system of authorities ordinance with smal l interaction with economic forces outside the state. The economic reforms of the early 1990s set the phase for significant betterments in the Indian economic system. As was stated before, India ‘s economic system grew at an norm of 6.3 per cent from 1992-1993 to 2000-2001. Further, its rate of rising prices and financial shortage both decreased well. Improved exchange rate direction led to improved funding of the current history shortage and higher foreign exchange militias. Finally, India ‘s GDP and per capita income both increased well from 1990-1991 to 1998-1999. India can make more, nevertheless, to further progress its economic development. Indeed, one of the more recent microeconomic attacks to economic growing is the publicity of entrepreneurial activities. Entrepreneurial attempts have been found to bring forth a broad scope of economic benefits, including new concerns, new occupations, advanced merchandises and services, and increased wealth for future community investing. The undermentioned narrative explains in considerable depth how entrepreneurial activities have succeeded in several states and how it can now be used to further India ‘s economic development.DecisionThe Indian economic system provides a uncovering contrast between how persons react under a government-controlled environment and how they respond to a market-based environment. The grounds presented here suggests that recent market reforms promoting single endeavor have led to higher economic growing in that state. The logical thinking here is non new, although it is reviewing to detect that this â€Å" tried-and-true † concluding applies to developing every bit good as to developed states. Specifically, trust upon a free market, with its accent upon single opportunism in endurance and wealth accretion, can give a broad scope of economic benefits. In India those benefits have included, among other things, increased economic growing, reduced rising prices, a smaller financial shortage, and higher influxs of the foreign capital needed for investing. We further conclude that India can bring forth extra economic growing by furthering entrepreneurial activities within its boundary lines, peculiarly within its burgeoning in-between category. Not merely has entrepreneurship been found to give important economic benefits in a broad assortment of states, but India specifically has reached a point in its development where it can accomplish similar consequences through entrepreneurial attempts. Among other things, India is poised to bring forth new concern start-ups in the high engineering country that can assist it go a major rival in the universe economic system. For illustration, it has a strong instruction base suited to entrepreneurial activities, increased influxs of foreign capital aimed at its turning information engineering services sector, and a host of successful new concern start-ups. To prosecute farther the entrepreneurial attack to economic growing, India must now supply chances for ( 1 ) Education directed specifically at developing entrepreneurial accomplishments. ( 2 ) Financing of entrepreneurial attempts ( 3 ) Networking among possible enterprisers and their experient opposite numbers. Obviously, the authorities can play a significant function in assisting to supply these types of chances. It can besides supply the appropriate revenue enhancement and regulative policies and assist the citizens of India to understand the nexus between entrepreneurial attempts and economic prosperity. However, its function overall must be minimized so that the influence of the free market and single opportunism can be to the full realized. Lone clip will state if increased entrepreneurial activities in India will really give the economic benefits found in so many other states of the universe. Should India make up one's mind to prosecute that avenue of economic development, so future research demands to analyze the consequences of India ‘s entrepreneurial programme. Possibly more of import, that research besides needs to find how India ‘s success in entrepreneurial attempts might differ from those pursued in developed states.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

A Game of Thrones Chapter Sixty-six

Bran The oldest were men grown, seventeen and eighteen years from the day of their naming. One was past twenty. Most were younger, sixteen or less. Bran watched them from the balcony of Maester Luwin's turret, listening to them grunt and strain and curse as they swung their staves and wooden swords. The yard was alive to the clack of wood on wood, punctuated all too often by thwacks and yowls of pain when a blow struck leather or flesh. Ser Rodrik strode among the boys, face reddening beneath his white whiskers, muttering at them one and all. Bran had never seen the old knight look so fierce. â€Å"No,† he kept saying. â€Å"No. No. No.† â€Å"They don't fight very well,† Bran said dubiously. He scratched Summer idly behind the ears as the direwolf tore at a haunch of meat. Bones crunched between his teeth. â€Å"For a certainty,† Maester Luwin agreed with a deep sigh. The maester was peering through his big Myrish lens tube, measuring shadows and noting the position of the comet that hung low in the morning sky. â€Å"Yet given time . . . Ser Rodrik has the truth of it, we need men to walk the walls. Your lord father took the cream of his guard to King's Landing, and your brother took the rest, along with all the likely lads for leagues around. Many will not come back to us, and we must needs find the men to take their places.† Bran stared resentfully at the sweating boys below. â€Å"If I still had my legs, I could beat them all.† He remembered the last time he'd held a sword in his hand, when the king had come to Winterfell. It was only a wooden sword, yet he'd knocked Prince Tommen down half a hundred times. â€Å"Ser Rodrik should teach me to use a poleaxe. If I had a poleaxe with a big long haft, Hodor could be my legs. We could be a knight together.† â€Å"I think that . . . unlikely,† Maester Luwin said. â€Å"Bran, when a man fights, his arms and legs and thoughts must be as one.† Below in the yard, Ser Rodrik was yelling. â€Å"You fight like a goose. He pecks you and you peck him harder. Parry! Block the blow. Goose fighting will not suffice. If those were real swords, the first peck would take your arm off!† One of the other boys laughed, and the old knight rounded on him. â€Å"You laugh. You. Now that is gall. You fight like a hedgehog . . . â€Å" â€Å"There was a knight once who couldn't see,† Bran said stubbornly, as Ser Rodrik went on below. â€Å"Old Nan told me about him. He had a long staff with blades at both ends and he could spin it in his hands and chop two men at once.† â€Å"Symeon Star-Eyes,† Luwin said as he marked numbers in a book. â€Å"When he lost his eyes, he put star sapphires in the empty sockets, or so the singers claim. Bran, that is only a story, like the tales of Florian the Fool. A fable from the Age of Heroes.† The maester tsked. â€Å"You must put these dreams aside, they will only break your heart.† The mention of dreams reminded him. â€Å"I dreamed about the crow again last night. The one with three eyes. He flew into my bedchamber and told me to come with him, so I did. We went down to the crypts. Father was there, and we talked. He was sad.† â€Å"And why was that?† Luwin peered through his tube. â€Å"It was something to do about Jon, I think.† The dream had been deeply disturbing, more so than any of the other crow dreams. â€Å"Hodor won't go down into the crypts.† The maester had only been half listening, Bran could tell. He lifted his eye from the tube, blinking. â€Å"Hodor won't . . . â€Å" â€Å"Go down into the crypts. When I woke, I told him to take me down, to see if Father was truly there. At first he didn't know what I was saying, but I got him to the steps by telling him to go here and go there, only then he wouldn't go down. He just stood on the top step and said ‘Hodor,' like he was scared of the dark, but I had a torch. It made me so mad I almost gave him a swat in the head, like Old Nan is always doing.† He saw the way the maester was frowning and hurriedly added, â€Å"I didn't, though.† â€Å"Good. Hodor is a man, not a mule to be beaten.† â€Å"In the dream I flew down with the crow, but I can't do that when I'm awake,† Bran explained. â€Å"Why would you want to go down to the crypts?† â€Å"I told you. To look for Father.† The maester tugged at the chain around his neck, as he often did when he was uncomfortable. â€Å"Bran, sweet child, one day Lord Eddard will sit below in stone, beside his father and his father's father and all the Starks back to the old Kings in the North . . . but that will not be for many years, gods be good. Your father is a prisoner of the queen in King's Landing. You will not find him in the crypts.† â€Å"He was there last night. I talked to him.† â€Å"Stubborn boy,† the maester sighed, setting his book aside. â€Å"Would you like to go see?† â€Å"I can't. Hodor won't go, and the steps are too narrow and twisty for Dancer.† â€Å"I believe I can solve that difficulty.† In place of Hodor, the wildling woman Osha was summoned. She was tall and tough and uncomplaining, willing to go wherever she was commanded. â€Å"I lived my life beyond the Wall, a hole in the ground won't fret me none, m'lords,† she said. â€Å"Summer, come,† Bran called as she lifted him in wiry-strong arms. The direwolf left his bone and followed as Osha carried Bran across the yard and down the spiral steps to the cold vault under the earth. Maester Luwin went ahead with a torch. Bran did not even mind—too badly—that she carried him in her arms and not on her back. Ser Rodrik had ordered Osha's chain struck off, since she had served faithfully and well since she had been at Winterfell. She still wore the heavy iron shackles around her ankles—a sign that she was not yet wholly trusted—but they did not hinder her sure strides down the steps. Bran could not recall the last time he had been in the crypts. It had been before, for certain. When he was little, he used to play down here with Robb and Jon and his sisters. He wished they were here now; the vault might not have seemed so dark and scary. Summer stalked out in the echoing gloom, then stopped, lifted his head, and sniffed the chill dead air. He bared his teeth and crept backward, eyes glowing golden in the light of the maester's torch. Even Osha, hard as old iron, seemed uncomfortable. â€Å"Grim folk, by the look of them,† she said as she eyed the long row of granite Starks on their stone thrones. â€Å"They were the Kings of Winter,† Bran whispered. Somehow it felt wrong to talk too loudly in this place. Osha smiled. â€Å"Winter's got no king. If you'd seen it, you'd know that, summer boy.† â€Å"They were the Kings in the North for thousands of years,† Maester Luwin said, lifting the torch high so the light shone on the stone faces. Some were hairy and bearded, shaggy men fierce as the wolves that crouched by their feet. Others were shaved clean, their features gaunt and sharp-edged as the iron longswords across their laps. â€Å"Hard men for a hard time. Come.† He strode briskly down the vault, past the procession of stone pillars and the endless carved figures. A tongue of flame trailed back from the upraised torch as he went. The vault was cavernous, longer than Winterfell itself, and Jon had told him once that there were other levels underneath, vaults even deeper and darker where the older kings were buried. It would not do to lose the light. Summer refused to move from the steps, even when Osha followed the torch, Bran in her arms. â€Å"Do you recall your history, Bran?† the maester said as they walked. â€Å"Tell Osha who they were and what they did, if you can.† He looked at the passing faces and the tales came back to him. The maester had told him the stories, and Old Nan had made them come alive. â€Å"That one is Jon Stark. When the sea raiders landed in the east, he drove them out and built the castle at White Harbor. His son was Rickard Stark, not my father's father but another Rickard, he took the Neck away from the Marsh King and married his daughter. Theon Stark's the real thin one with the long hair and the skinny beard. They called him the ‘Hungry Wolf,' because he was always at war. That's a Brandon, the tall one with the dreamy face, he was Brandon the Shipwright, because he loved the sea. His tomb is empty. He tried to sail west across the Sunset Sea and was never seen again. His son was Brandon the Burner, because he put the torch to all his father's ships in grief. There's Rodrik Stark, who won Bear Island in a wrestling match and gave it to the Mormonts. And that's Torrhen Stark, the King Who Knelt. He was the last Kin g in the North and the first Lord of Winterfell, after he yielded to Aegon the Conqueror. Oh, there, he's Cregan Stark. He fought with Prince Aemon once, and the Dragonknight said he'd never faced a finer swordsman.† They were almost at the end now, and Bran felt a sadness creeping over him. â€Å"And there's my grandfather, Lord Rickard, who was beheaded by Mad King Aerys. His daughter Lyanna and his son Brandon are in the tombs beside him. Not me, another Brandon, my father's brother. They're not supposed to have statues, that's only for the lords and the kings, but my father loved them so much he had them done.† â€Å"The maid's a fair one,† Osha said. â€Å"Robert was betrothed to marry her, but Prince Rhaegar carried her off and raped her,† Bran explained. â€Å"Robert fought a war to win her back. He killed Rhaegar on the Trident with his hammer, but Lyanna died and he never got her back at all.† â€Å"A sad tale,† said Osha, â€Å"but those empty holes are sadder.† â€Å"Lord Eddard's tomb, for when his time comes,† Maester Luwin said. â€Å"Is this where you saw your father in your dream, Bran?† â€Å"Yes.† The memory made him shiver. He looked around the vault uneasily, the hairs on the back of his neck bristling. Had he heard a noise? Was there someone here? Maester Luwin stepped toward the open sepulchre, torch in hand. â€Å"As you see, he's not here. Nor will he be, for many a year. Dreams are only dreams, child.† He thrust his arm into the blackness inside the tomb, as into the mouth of some great beast. â€Å"Do you see? It's quite empt—† The darkness sprang at him, snarling. Bran saw eyes like green fire, a flash of teeth, fur as black as the pit around them. Maester Luwin yelled and threw up his hands. The torch went flying from his fingers, caromed off the stone face of Brandon Stark, and tumbled to the statue's feet, the flames licking up his legs. In the drunken shifting torchlight, they saw Luwin struggling with the direwolf, beating at his muzzle with one hand while the jaws closed on the other. â€Å"Summer!† Bran screamed. And Summer came, shooting from the dimness behind them, a leaping shadow. He slammed into Shaggydog and knocked him back, and the two direwolves rolled over and over in a tangle of grey and black fur, snapping and biting at each other, while Maester Luwin struggled to his knees, his arm torn and bloody. Osha propped Bran up against Lord Rickard's stone wolf as she hurried to assist the maester. In the light of the guttering torch, shadow wolves twenty feet tall fought on the wall and roof. â€Å"Shaggy,† a small voice called. When Bran looked up, his little brother was standing in the mouth of Father's tomb. With one final snap at Summer's face, Shaggydog broke off and bounded to Rickon's side. â€Å"You let my father be,† Rickon warned Luwin. â€Å"You let him be.† â€Å"Rickon,† Bran said softly. â€Å"Father's not here.† â€Å"Yes he is. I saw him.† Tears glistened on Rickon's face. â€Å"I saw him last night.† â€Å"In your dream . . . ?† Rickon nodded. â€Å"You leave him. You leave him be. He's coming home now, like he promised. He's coming home.† Bran had never seen Maester Luwin took so uncertain before. Blood dripped down his arm where Shaggydog had shredded the wool of his sleeve and the flesh beneath. â€Å"Osha, the torch,† he said, biting through his pain, and she snatched it up before it went out. Soot stains blackened both legs of his uncle's likeness. â€Å"That . . . that beast,† Luwin went on, â€Å"is supposed to be chained up in the kennels.† Rickon patted Shaggydog's muzzle, damp with blood. â€Å"I let him loose. He doesn't like chains.† He licked at his fingers. â€Å"Rickon,† Bran said, â€Å"would you like to come with me?† â€Å"No. I like it here.† â€Å"It's dark here. And cold.† â€Å"I'm not afraid. I have to wait for Father.† â€Å"You can wait with me,† Bran said. â€Å"We'll wait together, you and me and our wolves.† Both of the direwolves were licking wounds now, and would bear close watching. â€Å"Bran,† the maester said firmly, â€Å"I know you mean well, but Shaggydog is too wild to run loose. I'm the third man he's savaged. Give him the freedom of the castle and it's only a question of time before he kills someone. The truth is hard, but the wolf has to be chained, or . . . &rdquo He hesitated . . . or killed, Bran thought, but what he said was, â€Å"He was not made for chains. We will wait in your tower, all of us.† â€Å"That is quite impossible,† Maester Luwin said. Osha grinned. â€Å"The boy's the lordling here, as I recall.† She handed Luwin back his torch and scooped Bran up into her arms again. â€Å"The maester's tower it is.† â€Å"Will you come, Rickon?† His brother nodded. â€Å"If Shaggy comes too,† he said, running after Osha and Bran, and there was nothing Maester Luwin could do but follow, keeping a wary eye on the wolves. Maester Luwin's turret was so cluttered that it seemed to Bran a wonder that he ever found anything. Tottering piles of books covered tables and chairs, rows of stoppered jars lined the shelves, candle stubs and puddles of dried wax dotted the furniture, the bronze Myrish lens tube sat on a tripod by the terrace door, star charts hung from the walls, shadow maps lay scattered among the rushes, papers, quills, and pots of inks were everywhere, and all of it was spotted with droppings from the ravens in the rafters. Their strident quorks drifted down from above as Osha washed and cleaned and bandaged the maester's wounds, under Luwin's terse instruction. â€Å"This is folly,† the small grey man said while she dabbed at the wolf bites with a stinging ointment. â€Å"I agree that it is odd that both you boys dreamed the same dream, yet when you stop to consider it, it's only natural. You miss your lord father, and you know that he is a captive. Fear can fever a man's mind and giv e him queer thoughts. Rickon is too young to comprehend—† â€Å"I'm four now,† Rickon said. He was peeking through the lens tube at the gargoyles on the First Keep. The direwolves sat on opposite sides of the large round room, licking their wounds and gnawing on bones. â€Å"—too young, and—ooh, seven hells, that burns, no, don't stop, more. Too young, as I say, but you, Bran, you're old enough to know that dreams are only dreams.† â€Å"Some are, some aren't.† Osha poured pale red firemilk into a long gash. Luwin gasped. â€Å"The children of the forest could tell you a thing or two about dreaming.† Tears were streaming down the maester's face, yet he shook his head doggedly. â€Å"The children . . . live only in dreams. Now. Dead and gone. Enough, that's enough. Now the bandages. Pads and then wrap, and make it tight, I'll be bleeding.† â€Å"Old Nan says the children knew the songs of the trees, that they could fly like birds and swim like fish and talk to the animals,† Bran said. â€Å"She says that they made music so beautiful that it made you cry like a little baby just to hear it.† â€Å"And all this they did with magic,† Maester Luwin said, distracted. â€Å"I wish they were here now. A spell would heal my arm less painfully, and they could talk to Shaggydog and tell him not to bite.† He gave the big black wolf an angry glance out of the corner of his eye. â€Å"Take a lesson, Bran. The man who trusts in spells is dueling with a glass sword. As the children did. Here, let me show you something.† He stood abruptly, crossed the room, and returned with a green jar in his good hand. â€Å"Have a look at these,† he said as he pulled the stopper and shook out a handful of shiny black arrowheads. Bran picked one up. â€Å"It's made of glass.† Curious, Rickon drifted closer to peer over the table. â€Å"Dragonglass,† Osha named it as she sat down beside Luwin, bandagings in hand. â€Å"Obsidian,† Maester Luwin insisted, holding out his wounded arm. â€Å"Forged in the fires of the gods, far below the earth. The children of the forest hunted with that, thousands of years ago. The children worked no metal. In place of mail, they wore long shirts of woven leaves and bound their legs in bark, so they seemed to melt into the wood. In place of swords, they carried blades of obsidian.† â€Å"And still do.† Osha placed soft pads over the bites on the maester's forearm and bound them tight with long strips of linen. Bran held the arrowhead up close. The black glass was slick and shiny. He thought it beautiful. â€Å"Can I keep one?† â€Å"As you wish,† the maester said. â€Å"I want one too,† Rickon said. â€Å"I want four. I'm four.† Luwin made him count them out. â€Å"Careful, they're still sharp. Don't cut yourself.† â€Å"Tell me about the children,† Bran said. It was important. â€Å"What do you wish to know?† â€Å"Everything.† Maester Luwin tugged at his chain collar where it chafed against his neck. â€Å"They were people of the Dawn Age, the very first, before kings and kingdoms,† he said. â€Å"In those days, there were no castles or holdfasts, no cities, not so much as a market town to be found between here and the sea of Dorne. There were no men at all. Only the children of the forest dwelt in the lands we now call the Seven Kingdoms. â€Å"They were a people dark and beautiful, small of stature, no taller than children even when grown to manhood. They lived in the depths of the wood, in caves and crannogs and secret tree towns. Slight as they were, the children were quick and graceful. Male and female hunted together, with weirwood bows and flying snares. Their gods were the gods of the forest, stream, and stone, the old gods whose names are secret. Their wise men were called greenseers, and carved strange faces in the weirwoods to keep watch on the woods. How long the children reigned here or where they came from, no man can know. â€Å"But some twelve thousand years ago, the First Men appeared from the east, crossing the Broken Arm of Dorne before it was broken. They came with bronze swords and great leathern shields, riding horses. No horse had ever been seen on this side of the narrow sea. No doubt the children were as frightened by the horses as the First Men were by the faces in the trees. As the First Men carved out holdfasts and farms, they cut down the faces and gave them to the fire. Horror-struck, the children went to war. The old songs say that the greenseers used dark magics to make the seas rise and sweep away the land, shattering the Arm, but it was too late to close the door. The wars went on until the earth ran red with blood of men and children both, but more children than men, for men were bigger and stronger, and wood and stone and obsidian make a poor match for bronze. Finally the wise of both races prevailed, and the chiefs and heroes of the First Men met the greenseers and wood dancers a midst the weirwood groves of a small island in the great lake called Gods Eye. â€Å"There they forged the Pact. The First Men were given the coastlands, the high plains and bright meadows, the mountains and bogs, but the deep woods were to remain forever the children's, and no more weirwoods were to be put to the axe anywhere in the realm. So the gods might bear witness to the signing, every tree on the island was given a face, and afterward, the sacred order of green men was formed to keep watch over the Isle of Faces. â€Å"The Pact began four thousand years of friendship between men and children. In time, the First Men even put aside the gods they had brought with them, and took up the worship of the secret gods of the wood. The signing of the Pact ended the Dawn Age, and began the Age of Heroes.† Bran's fist curled around the shiny black arrowhead. â€Å"But the children of the forest are all gone now, you said.† â€Å"Here, they are,† said Osha, as she bit off the end of the last bandage with her teeth. â€Å"North of the Wall, things are different. That's where the children went, and the giants, and the other old races.† Maester Luwin sighed. â€Å"Woman, by rights you ought to be dead or in chains. The Starks have treated you more gently than you deserve. It is unkind to repay them for their kindness by filling the boys' heads with folly.† â€Å"Tell me where they went,† Bran said. â€Å"I want to know.† â€Å"Me too,† Rickon echoed. â€Å"Oh, very well,† Luwin muttered. â€Å"So long as the kingdoms of the First Men held sway, the Pact endured, all through the Age of Heroes and the Long Night and the birth of the Seven Kingdoms, yet finally there came a time, many centuries later, when other peoples crossed the narrow sea. â€Å"The Andals were the first, a race of tall, fair-haired warriors who came with steel and fire and the seven-pointed star of the new gods painted on their chests. The wars lasted hundreds of years, but in the end the six southron kingdoms all fell before them. Only here, where the King in the North threw back every army that tried to cross the Neck, did the rule of the First Men endure. The Andals burnt out the weirwood groves, hacked down the faces, slaughtered the children where they found them, and everywhere proclaimed the triumph of the Seven over the old gods. So the children fled north—† Summer began to howl. Maester Luwin broke off, startled. When Shaggydog bounded to his feet and added his voice to his brother's, dread clutched at Bran's heart. â€Å"It's coming,† he whispered, with the certainty of despair. He had known it since last night, he realized, since the crow had led him down into the crypts to say farewell. He had known it, but he had not believed. He had wanted Maester Luwin to be right. The crow, he thought, the three-eyed crow . . . The howling stopped as suddenly as it had begun. Summer padded across the tower floor to Shaggydog, and began to lick at a mat of bloody fur on the back of his brother's neck. From the window came a flutter of wings. A raven landed on the grey stone sill, opened its beak, and gave a harsh, raucous rattle of distress. Rickon began to cry. His arrowheads fell from his hand one by one and clattered on the floor. Bran pulled him close and hugged him. Maester Luwin stared at the black bird as if it were a scorpion with feathers. He rose, slow as a sleepwalker, and moved to the window. When he whistled, the raven hopped onto his bandaged forearm. There was dried blood on its wings. â€Å"A hawk,† Luwin murmured, â€Å"perhaps an owl. Poor thing, a wonder it got through.† He took the letter from its leg. Bran found himself shivering as the maester unrolled the paper. â€Å"What is it?† he said, holding his brother all the harder. â€Å"You know what it is, boy,† Osha said, not unkindly. She put her hand on his head. Maester Luwin looked up at them numbly, a small grey man with blood on the sleeve of his grey wool robe and tears in his bright grey eyes. â€Å"My lords,† he said to the sons, in a voice gone hoarse and shrunken, â€Å"we . . . we shall need to find a stonecarver who knew his likeness well . . . â€Å"

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The Observed Experience of Cultural Difference Essay

The Observed Experience of Cultural Difference - Essay Example They continuously imitated my gestures in my practices of agreements and bowing while I spoke to them. Because I was a Chinese, they never asked me about my views regarding the topic we were discussing and I realized it was in relation to the issues of power distance. When I asked them for an assistant during the discussions, they would tell me that it was easy to understand but no assistant. This is very different as compared to our Chinese culture whereby we are taught to assist anyone in need of our assistance (Tocqueville, 2009). The teaching style was very different from how we are taught back in China, as we are taught to follow instructions. Nevertheless, the American way, we were taught to be creative. However, I came to understand that it was not the Chinese culture that rooted in me, but my unwillingness to look outside my limitations and adapt to the American way. Regardless of the differences between the two cultures being challenging and overwhelming to overcome, it boosted my adaptive capability to change. Now I am able to observe from the vantage point; two unique, discrete cultures and embrace them. After all, we are different, yet very much the same.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Questionnaire-Based surveys Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Questionnaire-Based surveys - Research Paper Example One of the most effective and popular ways of collecting any important data are the surveys; the primary objective of a survey is to gather data about various aspects of the individuals such as their beliefs, ideas, attitudes and perceptions. The survey is mainly used in the fields of psychology, marketing research, public administration, public health and communication studiesto study the participants involved in the data collection process (Yaoxiang, &Lihai, 2008). The survey can either focus on some factual information about the individuals or might collect opinion of the respondents. The questionnaire-based surveys are used especially by Marketing and Human Resource Departments as they comprise of the experts who want to gather detailed information about the perceptions of their stakeholders so that they can meet their requirements (DeMooji & Hoftsedd, 2010; Ferguson & Rio, 2010). These surveys are frequently used by them to provide in-depth information about the areas that shoul d be focused on by a corporation so that it can implement appropriate procedures within the business operations for enhancing its productivity and performance. In questionnaire-based surveys, the candidates have to fill the questionnaire by themselves and have to interpret the questions’ meanings on their own. While, in interview based surveys, the researcher asks the questions to respondents so that more in-depth data can be collected. The data collected from the questionnaire-based surveys is quantitative that allows easy interpretation of information that is gathered. On the other hand, interview sessions are time-consuming and data collected will need more time for analysis; however, the information in interview surveys is of a higher quality (Brugger, 2010). Questionnaire-based surveys The questionnaire-based surveys involve the designing and development of a questionnaire that will ensure that assessment about the attitudes, opinions and perceptions of the respondents i s done in an effective manner. The main element in this research method is the questionnaire as it is the key instrument for gathering information about any particular issue or factual knowledge of the participants (Kalpana&Jeyakumar, 2011). According to Fanning (2005), the questionnaire development is a critical aspect in questionnaire-based survey as the researchers have to ensure that it has all those questions stated that will help them in retrieving the required information effectively. Since questionnaires are self-administered, the sequencing of questions along with their wordings is important determinants of the data quality; therefore, an adequate amount of time should be spent on developing the questionnaire so that real and factual results can be drawn from the research (Lee, Benoit-Bryan & Johnson, 2010). The questionnaire-based surveys can take place in three ways i.e. online surveys, direct mail surveys and face-to-face surveys. The latest trend is of online surveys as it allows data to be collected quickly and analysis of the data can be done with the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

NASA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

NASA - Essay Example These are all good things but they do not necessarily bring about good results. The case study shows that the administrators and the systems need to be geared to solving real problems, and not just sustaining the system itself. There is no point in having an excellent health and safety system, for example, if it the accidents still happen and people still lose their lives. Another key role of public administration is to decide what needs to be done, and plan for that. Wilson’s comparison of the French and German armies at the start of World War 2 shows that it is possible to have excellent organizational systems, with everything working to plan, and yet, in the case of the French, have a plan that is not suited to the particular problems facing the organization. This means that public administration which is strong is not enough. It has to be facing the right direction and aiming for the right goals so that it can be effective at bringing about the desired outcomes. In some pu blic organizations there are very large resources devoted to the operation and so it is crucial that the senior teams think through very carefully what the priorities are, and what kind of change needs to be faced in the future. Simply maintaining the procedures that have always worked in the past is not enough. This may have been enough before, but because there are many variables in society, and because things change unexpectedly, an effective public administration needs to be flexible and able to take on board new ideas all the time. The example of the German army, and of some school head teachers, shows that highly committed individuals who can manage teams are an essential part of an effective administration. There has to be an ability to keep to an overall plan, but at the same time some small group independent thinking and action is absolutely vital. Public administration is often criticized because it is too slow moving, and over cautious. Society needs an administration tha t can respond quickly to crisis, and can break through all the red tape to take decisive action when there is a real threat. In the Centralia case study it is clear that the administrators all kept within their own narrow boundaries, and no-one stepped out to demand immediate and decisive action. Society needs this kind of leadership in public administration to identify crisis areas and respond immediately. Public administration has a very important role in society because it adds a professional dimension to community activities. Someone has to have a view of the big picture, and someone has to ensure that all the different branches of activity in society meet together for the good of all. I think Wilson’s description of the German army is a good one, because it shows that discipline and order can be matched with innovation and independent thinking. If everything was left to private individuals and companies, then there would soon be chaos and exploitation of the weakest memb ers of society. Public administration sets the standard for fairness and consistency, and it is the job of public administration managers to keep a good balance between following the rules and driving through change where it is needed. Question 2. On the basis of Long’s essay on administrative power and your analysis of â€Å"The Columbia Accident† what specific factors can you identify that can strengthen or detract from an organization’

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Hume Of the Standard of Taste Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Hume Of the Standard of Taste - Essay Example In this essay, I first of all, purpose to discuss what Hume proposes to be the condition for beauty. Secondly, I will demonstrate how an object can be termed as either beautiful or not, based on the proposal. In addition, I will analyze the factors that motivated this proposal by Hume, and lastly, examine whether there is sufficient reason to support Hume’s proposal. What is the condition for being beautiful? Hume is of the opinion that for something to be beautiful, then it must be able to have durability, uniformity, and generality in admiration (I.XXIII.12-13). For example, an object that has been around for many generations and withstood the criticisms leveled against it can be said to be truly beautiful. However, an object that was once considered beautiful but has since faded into history cannot be termed as beautiful since it lacks durability. In as far as general admiration is concerned; a beautiful thing tends to gain appreciation from people of multiple cultures all over the world. From Hume’s point of view, the observer’s mind must be at an ideal state of serenity and free of external hindrances and prejudice, while judging the beauty of an object (I.XXIII.11). In addition, Hume states that the observer must also pay very close attention to the object by focusing all thought on the object in order to study its finer details (I.XXIII.11). How does a beautiful object differ from one that is not beautiful? At the outset, Hume seems to agree to the fact that the beauty of an object only lies in the eyes of the observer. For example, Hume writes that a man of sense in as far as arts are concerned is more likely to differ with a man who has no sense of art, concerning the beauty of an object (I.XXIII.23). Similarly, according to Hume, a young man is more likely to consider tender and affectionate images as more beautiful (I.XXIII.30). On the other hand, Hume writes that an old man may find beauty in philosophical and wise teachings tha t teach on the value of life (I.XXIII.30). In Hume’s opinion, beauty can only be achieved if the human mind is free of all internal obstructions and external hindrances. Drawing form these expressions, it is clear that Hume perceives beauty as not stemming from the qualities of an object, but by the capacity of the object to stir up certain sentiments in the observer. Hume gives the example of how two of Sancho’s kinsmen were asked to give their opinion regarding the excellence of a hogshead (I.XXIII.16). Everyone knew that the wine was of superior quality, yet, when the two men tasted it, although both agreed that it was good, one noted that there was a bit of leather taste in it, while the other one noted that there was a silver taste in the wine. Hume goes on to narrate that the two men were ridiculed for their judgment, yet when the hogshead was emptied, therein lay an old key tied ton a leather thong (I.XXIII.16). In reference to this example, it is clear that alt hough people may unanimously decide that something is beautiful; there are critics who may find flaws by carefully studying the object under observation. What is Hume’s motivation for his proposal on beauty? Firstly, Hume tends to draw his motivation for proposing that beauty is an effect on the mind from the fact that beauty is valued by everyone, while ugliness or deformity is usually a repulsive characteristic. Nonetheless, different people have different opinions regarding which objects are beautiful and which ones are not. Secondly, from Hume’

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Is there a 'universal human right to health' Assignment

Is there a 'universal human right to health' - Assignment Example Right to health refers to the economic, cultural and social right to the highest achievable standard of health. Right to health is under recognition of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Convention on Rights of people with disabilities, and the social and cultural rights.1 Universality of Human Rights Universality principle of human rights acts as the foundation for the law on international human rights. This principle was emphasized for the first time in 1948 in Universal Declaration on Human Rights, and it has been reiterated during various conventions, resolutions and declarations on human rights. For instance, during the Vienna conference in 1993, there were highlights on the duty of the state in promoting and protecting all the fundamental freedoms and human rights regardless of the differences in cultural, economic and political systems.1 Every state has ratified multiple treaties on human rights reflecting the consent of the states that create the legal obligations as well as giving some concrete expression to the universality. Some norms of the fundamental human rights enjoy the universal protection by international customary law across all civilizations and boundaries. Universality of human rights entails any right2 applicable to all people, and it is influenced by other characteristics of human rights. The rights tend to be categorical, egalitarian, individual, fundamental and indivisible. Human Right to Health Good health is considered as the most essential and basic asset of every human being. Right to health is a fundamental part of the human rights. Internationally, the constitution on World Health Organization has articulated the right to health. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948 mentioned that health is fundamental towards adequate living. In 1966, the international Covenant on Social, Economic and Cultural Rights recognized right to health as a human right. Since then, various international treaties on human rights have recognized right to health. Right to health is fundamental in every state. States should be committed in protecting the right to health through domestic policies and legislation, and international declarations and conferences.2 There has been  an emphasis on the highest attainable health standards through treaty monitoring bodies and human rights commission. Normally, right to health is an exclusive right. It is associated with access to and building of health facilities. Right to health has freedom like freedom from non-consensual medical treatment. Also, right to health contains entitlements like provision of equal opportunity for every person to enjoy right to health, and the right to treatment, control and prevention of diseases.2 Human rights are interrelated, indivisible and interdependent. A violation of the right to health impairs enjoyment of the other rights. Right to Health in International Law on Human Rights Right to the highest standard of health is a component of hu man right recognised in the international law on human right. International covenant on social, economic and cultural rights acts as a major instrument in protection of right to health by recognising the right to the enjoyment of mental and physical health. Right to health is recognized in various regional instruments such as African Charter on

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Pricing of Health Costs and its Effect on the Poor in the United Dissertation - 2

The Pricing of Health Costs and its Effect on the Poor in the United States - Dissertation Example It researches the relationship between socio-economic cause, conditions, and health. Financial Stress and Living Expenses Health costs have been on the rise for many years. In 2008 it crossed $2.3 trillion, three times higher than $714 billion in 1990, and eight times higher than what was spent in 1980, which was up to $253 billion. Controlling the health costs has been a primary policy preference of the US government. The speed of rising health costs added with the economic recession and increased federal deficit has stressed the government systems. A number of causes have been identified of rising health costs, which include: Technology and Prescription drugs Chronic disease Aging of the population The US has been o the top of all industrialized countries in the matter of individual spending on health care approximately $7,681, which reaches to 16.2% of the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Controlling the health care costs is very urgent in the country’s larger interests for economic stability and growth (Kimbuende et al., 2010). The ever-increasing health costs have become an alarming social, economic and political issue in the US. The government policy on health reforms so far has not helped in effectively chasing the cost because of wrong strategies. The US should learn from other countries; how they have been successful in reducing heath costs. Obama government has taken the initiative of approaching the issue by improving health outcomes among other strategies, as promised to control rising health costs in the 2008 presidential election (Marmor et al., 2009). In tax-favored â€Å"health reimbursement accounts (HRA),† funds of employees with added contributions by employers have affected the poor people with the cost-sharing arrangement by shifting costly insurance types to them. Tensions have risen on health care costs as employees wages are not increasing in proportion as health costs have been increasing. It becomes evident from the fact that since 1999 family premiums for employer supported health insurance has increased by 131 percent putting additional burden on low-salaried employees. It has affected the poor in the US shelling more from their pockets on high premiums. According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Office of the Actuary, National Health Statistics Group, only hospital care and physician services form more than half of the nation’s total health care spending. Any federal level health reform should give top priority to reducing health costs (Kimbuende et al., 2010). Some of the related questions include: 1. Do money and quality of life affect the cost of health? 2. What effect does income level on medical treatment have on the poor? 3. Do financial stress, out of pocket payment, and loss of income reduce hospital visits for the poor? What impact the increasing cost of healthcare is having on the poor people? Healthcare pricing is shrouded in mystery because provi ders don’t show transparency of payments received. Insurance companies also do not share the payments with the customers. â€Å"Sticker prices† pasted on care provider websites are generally more than paid by insurance companies. Some of the US states like New Hampshire, Maine, Oregon and Massachusetts provide

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Extended Time Out in Operation Rooms Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Extended Time Out in Operation Rooms - Essay Example However, despite those ongoing protocols, the effectiveness of those safety strategies is still unknown. Wrong site surgery can cause extremely bad outcomes, which may range from performing surgery on the wrong side of the body and delayed the necessary treatments to amputating the wrong leg then the patient is suffering both physically and psychologically. In order to improve better outcomes and prevent those preventable surgical mistakes, an extended surgical timeout (STO), also called second time out was implanted into the health care system. This dissertation discusses the effectiveness of the extended STO out based on evidence from research and case studies, and it also explores the interventions used to reduce risks of wrong site surgery. This dissertation also analyzes patient who is allergic to epinephrine and how extended surgical time out improved their quality of care. The article, â€Å"The extended surgical time-out: does it improve quality and prevent wrong-site surgery?† focuses on pediatric surgery and review the results of the implementation of an extended surgical time out. The members of Harbor-UCLA Medical Centre implemented extended surgical time out beginning January 2006. The protocol included confirming a patient’s ID, anesthetic, and technical details, medications administered and the available ones and the need for special equipment and blood products (Lee, 2010). The impacts of implementing surgical timeout were then studied before induction of anesthesia and surveys of both before and after implementing the pre-induction STO were recorded. The results of this study showed that there were no significant differences in elapsed time to incision for both urgent and elective operations and after implementing pre-induction surgical timeout (Lee, 2010).

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Change Places Essay Example for Free

Change Places Essay If I get an opportunity to replace myself with any one in the world then I would like to replace myself with Mr. Bush, the president of America. Mr. Bush is responsible for portraying negative image of America as an enemy of humanity by doing wars against Muslims only on the basis of religious discrimination. Mr. Bush is the murderer of nearly one hundred thousand innocent citizens of Afghanistan and Iraq while trying to fight against only two persons Usama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein on one side and thousands of precious lives of our beloved soldiers and the soldiers of collision countries. These soldiers joined the arm forces with the aim to give their priceless lives to serve their respective countries and country men in case of any danger but unfortunately their precious lives went in vain in a cruel plan of Mr. Bushs administration against the humanity. America, the only super power of the world and the place of opportunities to flourish for every one, followed the instructions of Israel to have a war against Muslims and in the process earned disgrace from all over the world. It is a major loss done to America and Americans due to this heinous purposed war. After replacing myself with Mr. Bush, firstly I will order American armed forces to leave Afghanistan and Iraq and made the charge to UN peace keeping forces in these countries. I will order large amount of grants for the purpose of reconstruction of these countries which have been completely destroyed due to exhaustive use of highly dangerous weapons. In case of Iraq, we attacked the country even Iraq was proved innocent by the United Nations nuclear weapons inspection team for not having any kind of dangerous kind of nuclear and chemical weapons and in case of Afghanistan we could not find Usama Bin Laden, so I will make sure that any future American president can not play with the humanity just to obey the orders from Israel. If Laden is the murderer of the few victims of the world trade center tragedy, then in this regard Mr. Bush is the murderer of thousands of people from all over the world so while I will be in place of Mr. Bush as Bush; I will resign from the office of the president of the America and will face the following just allegations against me: 1) Schism in American Society. 2) Invasion on Iraq on fallacious grounds (of having WMD), and killing thousands of innocent people. 3) Creating worse conditions in ME and outside by giving freehand to Israel (for preparing WMD and threatening other nations).

Friday, September 20, 2019

Creative Report On Strategic Change Management Business Essay

Creative Report On Strategic Change Management Business Essay Every organisation goes through change but the question lies; do they know the need for change. Why are they going through change. Have the employees understood the need for this change? Strategic change management is successful when there is participation from stakeholders, employees, the leader etc. According to Bevington (2012) Strategic change affects employees, who create resistance because they do not understand the need for change and how will it benefit them. Some will resist change because they like the way things are and dont want anything to change also known as the Status quo. Business organisations need to make sure that there are proper strategies in place to overcome this resistance and implement change. This change has to be constantly monitored to overcome any negative outcomes. According to McMillan (2008) Kurt Lewin developed a change management strategy known as the force field analysis. He demonstrated that there are forces driving for change, forces repelling change. There is a need to balance out both these forces and ensure that change takes place smoothly. Forces for change include: Lewin four forces of change Miner (2007). Organisational behaviour 4: from theory to practice. Burnes (1996) states that, there is the management on one end trying to implement change and employees on the other end who do not understand the need for change. They are affected by the sudden disruption in their smooth day to day work. Therefore, there exists forces that are for change and forces that resist change. These forces can be internal or external. Internal forces that drive change are cultural differences between employees, conflicts with other departments due to competition or performance, a want for increasing profitability. The External forces that drive change in an organisation would be new legislation and taxes, politics, competition, customers needs and expectations introduction of new technology. According to Beer (2000) Lewins 3 stage model Unfreeze- Change- Refreeze is a very important tool that can be used for change. The first stage involves unfreezing, that is to create the platform for change. The second stage is change by bringing about transition via communication explaining why this change is beneficial and why there is a need for to implement this change. The third phase involves refreezing by establishing stability and letting individuals reconnect to their familiar environment. Refreezing helps in changing the low productivity state to a higher one. In this report examples of CORUS and AEGON have been provided. Corus is one of the worlds leading steel companies, which produces heavy plates for construction, shop building, energy, semi finished products for re rolling and rod for wire drawing etc. AEGON is one of the worlds largest life insurance and pension companies. It has 27,000 employees and over 25 million customers worldwide. Q1 Learners need to show that they understand the background to organisational strategic change Discussing models of strategic change Evaluating the relevance of models of strategic change to organisations in the current economy Assessing the value of using strategic intervention techniques in organisations Ans) Discussing models of strategic change Change occurs due to different factors, it can be due to stakeholders, internal or external factors. The internal and external factors contribute to the force of change. The models that are used to implement change successfully are explained in detail. ADKAR, KOTTERS 8 Step model and Mckinseys 7s model are all used for strategic change. ADKAR According to Hiatt (2006) the ADKAR change management is a management model that assists with change. It concentrates on change at personal level, and how to go about making that individual accept the need for change and work for the organisation with full motivation and co-operation. ADKAR was developed by Jeff Hiatt. Originally it was used to determine if change strategies were bringing the required results. Now days it is used to identify gaps to support the change process. The Five Elements of ADKAR In order for successful change each step of ADKAR needs to be followed. Awareness Awareness is to create an understanding for the requirement for change That is, what are the benefits of change, why is it necessary, what happens if we dont implement change etc Hiatt (2009). Desire Desire is to create the need to take part in the change Leadership plays a very important role in desire. The leader has to motivate and influence the staff that they get encouraged for change Hiatt (2009). Knowledge To give knowledge so the employees know what needs to be changed and how to go about changing that, example- explaining new tasks, providing training, understanding new roles Hiatt (2009). Ability Ability to implement change this can be done by monitoring, providing involvement, performance measurement etc Hiatt (2009) Reinforcement- Reinforcement to strengthen the changes by rewards, recognition, feedback, performance measurement and audits. Hiatt (2009) The ADKAR model can be used to monitor progress, identify employee resistance, an instrument for coaching by managers etc. The ADKAR Model can be used to ensure that there are smooth operations and that cultural change is taking place effectively. It can be used to fill the gaps within the organisational change strategies. Prepare individuals for change and emphasise areas of improvement. Evaluating the relevance of models of strategic change to organisations in the current economy Strategic change is a field in strategic management. It is a very important study of strategic management. It is important to balance the changes that are associated with technological change, competition that can pose threats etc. The strategic change models help in assessing the situation and improving it. Thus models are very important in bringing about strategic change management. Assessing the value of using strategic intervention techniques in organisations Strategic planning is very important for strategic change to take place. Strategic intervention is all about creating plans, taking action and implementing strategies that would meet customers requirements. Intervention is to balance the process of change in the macro and micro environment. Mckinseys 7S model: According to Witcher (2010) the 7S model was developed by Mckinseys Consulting, it shows how to organise an organisation effectively and is based on seven key fundamentals. It is split into two groups that are hard elements and soft elements. The hard elements are tangible, whereas the soft are intangible. hard and soft elements of 7s model Framback (2001) Creating customer value through strategic marketing planning: a management approach The 7S Model Plant (2001) E-Commerce : formulacioÃÅ' n de una estrategia The 7S Model where all fundamentals are interrelated. Shared values are the most important in an organisation. It forms the basis for culture, performance and links the structure, system, strategy into the framework. Therefore it is highly important to have a proper culture. Structure: The structure the organisation operates on such as coordination, task allocation, supervision etc. To bring about smooth operations have daily meetings Witcher (2010). Strategy: Strategy is the plan created to succeed and have a competitive advantage. Eliminate waste and increase turnover by installing KAIZEN etc Witcher (2010). Systems: The system that supports the firms such as IT, accounting, resource allocation, financial reporting etc. Introduce a good pay structure for the new team Witcher (2010). Shared Values: The shared values are the core values of an organisation. The mission and vision of the organisation is very important to have a common shared value. Respecting their values and continuously striving for perfection Witcher (2010). Style: Style how the organisation is run, democratic, autocratic, lassie faire.etc. A leader that coaches and motivates can ensure smooth change. A leader who is trained in emotional intelligence can empower employees Witcher (2010). Staff: The employees are the number of people within the organisation the various departments and keeping in mind their cultural views Witcher (2010). Skills: The skills that individuals bring to an organisation. Allow employees to take decisions Witcher (2010). The 7s model is to analyse the situation, identify gaps, fill those gaps and use the fundamentals to achieve those goals. 7S Quadrants PLANT (2001) E-Commerce : formulacion de una estrategia EXAMPLE- The CORUS workforce understood the need for change and had a clear vision They wanted to achieve 15% return on assets by productive sales of products, solution and expertise to customers in the industrial markets and construction. Corus planned to achieve this by using the resources available and driving its cost down and increasing productivity. It also seeks out new skills and expertise. CORUS management may have used the KOTTERS 8 step model to bring in change. The Kotters 8 step model is explained in detail below, it illustrates the urgency of the change, the vision that exists, how to go about communicating that vision, empowering the employees and motivating them to work towards the change. CORUS personnel introduced new values in the organisation that helped it move forward. Kotters 8 Step Model- According to Sabri (1967) Kotters 8 step model is used to find elements that are important to organisational change. Kotter Sabri (2007). Purchase order management best practices process, technology, and change management. 1. Create a sense of urgency- Creating a sense of urgency by finding the weakness and strengths of an organisation, examining the markets and completion Sabri (1967). 2. Develop a powerful coalition- By bringing together a skilful team to implement change successfully and forming strategies to achieve the vision Sabri (1967). 3. Create a Vision- Developing a vision to direct the change attempt and forming strategies to achieve that vision Sabri (1967). 4. Convey the Vision- Communicating the vision by guiding and training, communication plays a vital role in implementing change Sabri (1967). 5. Empowering others to accomplish the vision- Empowering employees to accomplish the vision by encouragement of new ideas, removing obstacles in change and changing systems that weaken the vision Sabri (1967). 6. Planning for and producing short term wins- Planning short term wins by rewarding employees and implementing a strategy to improve performance Sabri (1967). 7. Consolidating improvements- Consolidating improvements by reinventing the process with new themes and projects, hiring employees who can implement the vision and using a proper system that is credible to change the systems, policies, and structures that dont fit the vision Sabri (1967). 8. Institutionalising new methods- Institutionalising new methods by implementing proper channels to ensure the vision and mission of the organisation and the leader are clear Sabri (1967). Q2 Learners will be expected to understand issues relating to strategic change in an organisation by; 1) Examining the need for strategic change in an organisation 2) Assessing the factors that are driving the need for strategic change in an organisation 3) Assessing the resource implications of the organisation not responding to strategic change Strategic change occurs due to economy, a change in markets, new technologies being introduced and new procedures such as TQM (Total Quality Management) being introduced. Strategic change management can be explained with the SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) that is the internal changes that can occur inside and organisation and the PESTLE (Political, Economical, Social, Technological, Legal, Environmental) which is the external forces that bring about change in an organisation. The external environment consists of the customers needs and expectations, shareholders, changes in politics, product design, shareholders, and technology. To understand the external environment models such as the PESTLE can give an organisation an insight into the problems that can be faced externally by an organisation that may arise and how to deal with them. A SWOT can be carried to check the strength weaknesses opportunities and threats an organisation may face. A feasibility study and scanning the environment can assist in studying the external environment and eliminating weaknesses. Market research is done to analyse the current market situation. Customers feedback and complaints are taken to improve the quality of the product or a particular process. TQM (TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT)- TQM is about planning a structure to hold on to the market share. Customers look for quality, and they are ready to pay the price for better quality. Therefore quality has exchanged places with price. TQM is about identifying the customers want, to meet these needs economically. Checking the materials that are brought in is up to standard. Focusing on prevention rather that rectifying errors. Educating the employees and constantly training them for good output. Measuring the customer satisfaction and constantly reviewing the systems to ensure progress Oakland (2003). Therefore TQM is important factor in planning quality change. PESTLE- Green (2007) The P.E.S.T.L.E framework takes into consideration the Political, Economical, Socio Cultural, Technological, Legal and Environmental Predicting the future circumstances the organisation could deal with. The PESTLE can forecast the events that will influence the organisation as well as the ability to deliver the product. Henry (2008) Understanding strategic management. PILOT STUDY- A pilot study is a small panel or committee that is established by the organisation to have an overlook of the entire business or a particular process. The feasibility study is conducted to give a yes or no signal to a business project. A feasibility study can take hours to weeks to give an answer, it depends on the amount of investment that dictates how much amount of energy has to be put into it Dalcher (2000). ENVIRONMENTAL SCANNING According to Kroon (1995) Environmental scanning takes into consideration the macro environment. The macro environment is the external forces that affect an organisation. The environmental analysis consists of environmental monitoring, assessment and forecasting. It is concerned with markets, companies, industries competitors and clients. On the other side there also exist the micro-level which is analysed within the industry. Customers, Suppliers and competitors signify the micro environment of a company. SWOT- The SWOT Analysis analyses the Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of an organisation. Threats and opportunities are considered external factors whereas strength and weakness are considered internal factors (Weihrich, 1982) cited by Leung et al (2000) Ferrell (1999) Marketing strategy. Strengths- The strength establishes the companys strong points Weaknesses- It determines the weakness of the organisation not only from its standpoint but from the customers vision. Opportunities- It predicts how an organisation can grow within a market place Threats- It analyses the threats that can crop up and thus establishing a plan of action to surpass them without getting affected. EXAMPLE- AEGON needed to change because although it was successful it was not known to many consumers. The reason being the government imposed price controls that reduced its profitability. In order to be better known in the market AEGON took an audit and changed their strategy. They simplified financial services, developed a workforce and focused on customer service. AEGON performed a brand audit. The company focused on itself internally and how was it positioned externally. During the audit they found out more about the organisation and made decisions how changes were to be brought in. The external audit helped AEGON to establish itself on the same level as its competitors. AEGON focused on the culture of the organisation to bring in smooth change. Q3 Learners will be able to lead stakeholders in developing a strategy for change by; 1) Developing systems to involve stakeholders in the planning of change 2) Developing a change management strategy with stakeholders 3) Evaluating the systems used to involve stakeholders in the planning of change 4) Creating a strategy for managing resistance to change Ans) 1) Developing systems to involve stakeholders in the planning of change Stakeholders are people that belong to a group, organisation or individuals that have a direct or indirect stake in the organisation. Stakeholders hold a vital role in the organisation. If there is any changes going to take place it is important for the stakeholders to be aware of such change. Stakeholders can be customers, unions, government internal or external. The vision and mission of an organisation is very important to send the right message to employees stakeholders etc and letting them know what is the business about and what it wants. Communication strategies are very important to implement this change. The Kubler Grief cycle illustrates the process of change. Overcoming the grief cycle and implementing change can be done with models such as Burke Litwins change model and Kotters 8 step model etc. VISION MISSION- Vision Statements and Mission Statements are motivational and inspirational words that are chosen by a leader to clearly and concisely convey the direction of the organisation. The vision and mission statement works better when the employees and employer sit together and decide on it rather than the employer making it alone, as the employees would feel valued and optimistic. The vision and mission of an organisation is a clear and concise statement that answers the Question what business are we in? A well devised mission statement has to answer five basic questions Ferrell (1999). Who are we? What customers are we serving to? What are our competitive advantages? What are our responsibilities? What is our operating philosophy (values, ethics, beliefs etc)? The Vision statement is used to communicate the end result. It is mostly written in the future. The vision and mission statement both have to be aligned with each other. The vision statement is important as the stakeholders will not understand the big picture of the organisation without it. 2) Developing a change management strategy with stakeholders Change management strategies with stakeholders can be done by brainstorming that is generating ideas together with the stakeholder group, by looking at old data that may help in showing the stakeholders interests and characteristics. Good presentations that will help deliver effective oral ideas and diagrams to make it easy for the stakeholders to understand. EFFECTIVENESS OF THE ORGANISATIONS EXISTING COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES. Carr et al. (2001) the level of job satisfaction that is associated within organisations is associated with communication strategies. Every business needs a unique selling point (USP) and for an organisation to succeed there has to be a communication strategy in place. Communication is an intangible input to an organisation that is very essential for its success. According to Carr et al. (2001) Management communication strategies have major job satisfaction. Clear communication of goals, job responsibilities have significant improvement in higher output quality. Communication within customers creates employer loyalty and quality production. Clark (1996) Leaders have to look inside the organization to ease tensions making sure quality does not fail in the corporation. Mills et al (2009) communication should be continuous and training should be supported to overcome the change, Resistance is bound to happen during change but leaders can overcome them with great ease if there is proper communication. KUBLER- Grief Model- According to Garcia (2009) the KUBLER grief cycle shows five phases the individuals face during change. Garcia (2009) The first phase being SHOCK- Shock is the first reaction when an individual is told that there are some changes going to be made. Sometimes there isnt any initial reaction until the change process starts taking place and slowly starts to disrupt their schedule and they resist the change. Garcia (2009) The second phase is DENIAL- The individuals deny anything is wrong and behave normal by saying everything is fine but emotionally they have been wounded. Garcia (2009) The third stage is ANGER- When the individual realises that they cannot maintain denial they get angry. The individual gets angry and there is little that can be done because of rage and envy that is within him. Example- During a merger, a manager loses his position from manager to supervisor. Garcia (2009) The fourth phase is BARGAINING- The individual starts bargaining with their thoughts as to what this change means to their future or what can they do next. Garcia (2009) The fifth phase is DEPRESSION- The individual becomes silent and refuses to talk and spend time with other employees. It has to be noted that grieving must be processed in order to get out of this phase otherwise the anger or depression may build in the individual. Garcia (2009) The sixth phase is ACCEPTANCE-The individual slowly and steadily starts understanding the need for change and accept it. Proctor (2007). Community service chaplaincy: doing Gods work in Gods world. Evaluating the systems used to involve stakeholders in the planning of change. Stakeholders must be involved right from the start of the project. Their constant support is required throughout the project. Clear objectives must be made to illustrate the budget, timetable, allocation of responsibilities etc. Information regarding the project must be readily accessible by stakeholders. Any affected stakeholders must be dealt with carefully and must be provided with assistance. The Burke Litwins change model describes the drivers for change. This model can be used to bring about change effectively. Burke-Litwin Change Model: Burke Litwins change model demonstrates the various reasons for change and ranks them. It demonstrates that all the important factors are on the top of the model but it also argues that even if a change takes place on one of the factors every element in this model gets affected. Mumford (2010). Gower handbook of leadership and management development According to Hatlie (2004) burke-litwin considers the environmental factors as the most important reason for change. The reason being most of the change is found to be external. Elements such as leadership, culture, mission and strategy are influenced by changes that occur externally. The drivers for change 1. Hatlie (2004) External Environment- The external environment consists of markets, completion, legislations etc. All of these factors have an impact on an organisation. To watch out for external changes it is important to continuously scan the environment. 2. Mission and Strategy- The organisation has a mission for a reason. The mission sets the direction for an organisation. A strategy explains in detail the plan and objectives of how to achieve that target, goal. In order for successful change in strategy it is important to communicate the consequences to the employees Hatlie (2004). 3. Leadership- The leaders attitude and personality reflect on the organisation. If they are successful at presenting the change they can implement it just as easily. Their strength inspires employees Hatlie (2004). 4. Organisation Culture- The culture of an organisation is the way things are done. It consists of a set of beliefs, attitudes, behaviours etc. Cultural change takes time to change. It has to be noted of how the employer wants his employees to behave and what he expects from them. There has to be a constant watch over employees and make sure the organisation is headed in the direction planned Hatlie (2004). 5. Structure- The structure of an organisation can change with the changes in strategy. This has an effect on responsibilities, relationships and ways of working. It is important to see the effects of structural change and make sure the team members know of what is required from them Hatlie (2004). 6. Work Unit Climate- The work unit climate is the perceptions of employees. If the employees are satisfied in their jobs it influences the organisation vice versa. Any immediate changes need to my managed sensitively as the employees may get angered and thus result in poor performance or interference from the unions Hatlie (2004). 7. Task Requirements The skills of the employees will change from department to department. It is necessary to ensure if the skills are in the right place, if there is a need to bring someone new or if the skill can be developed Hatlie (2004). 8. Individual Needs and Values- The changes that occur in a team have to be looked at and carefully dealt with. It is impossible to get a perfect team in place therefore it is necessary to identify and potential risks and keep in mind the individual needs and values and treat them respectfully Hatlie (2004). 9. Employee Motivation- If employees are motivated there can be a successful change implemented. The challenge is to sustain motivation especially when there is resistance to change Hatlie (2004). 4) Creating a strategy for managing resistance to change Resistance is bound to happen because of many reasons; it can be due to the Status quo that is people used to ways of doing things. To manage resistance, it must be expected when implementing change, it must be formally addressed and the root causes must be removed. The root causes for resistance to change can be used by using the Fishbone Diagram that was introduced by Dr Ishikawa. FISHBONE DIAGRAM- According to Lighter (2004) the fishbone diagram provides an insight into the root causes of the problems instead of treating it from the top. The base line of the fishbone represents main problem and the branches that come from it gather information. The fishbone diagram relies on IQ, brainstorming, team work etc. The fishbone is an excellent tool in Quality improvement as it visually represents the root causes of the problem and is a great tool to implement strategic quality change. Shelly (2001) Systems analysis and design. According to Beer (2000) Lewins 3 stage model Unfreeze- Change- Refreeze is a very important tool that can be used for change. The first stage involves unfreezing, that is to create the platform for change. The second stage is change by bringing about transition via communication explaining why this change is beneficial and why there is a need for to implement this change. The third phase involves refreezing by establishing stability and letting individuals reconnect to their familiar environment. Refreezing helps in changing the low productivity state to a higher one. Q4 Learners will be able to plan to implement models for ensuring ongoing change by; 1) Developing appropriate models for change 2) Planning to implement a model for change 3) Developing appropriate measures to monitor progress Change can be implemented using models such as Kaizen for continuous improvement, monitoring the system so there is always a constant watch over any side effects to the change. A gap analysis helps identify the gaps of an organisation. It looks to maintain the quality of an organisation. BPR (Business Process Reengineering) has to be constantly monitored during change. 5 GAP MODEL BUILD TO DEAL WITH THE SHORTFALL OF THE QUALITY SERVICE Nargundkar (2010). According to Grigoroudis (2010) the Servqual model is used to manage quality and measure quality in an organisation. Kusluvan (2003). Managing employee attitudes and behaviors in the tourism and hospitality industry The gaps are as follows Gap 1. Between Customers Expectations Managements perceptions about these perceptions. GAP2. Between Managements Perceptions Customers expectations GAP3. Between Service quality specifications Service Delivery GAP4. Between Service Delivery External Communication to customers about service delivery GAP5. Between Customers expectations their perceptions on service quality The GAP model takes into account the tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy that is required in Quality Management. BPR- BPR is known as Business Process Reengineering can be used in operations management to manage quality to meet strategic objectives. According to Radhakrishnan (2008) BPR was introduced by Frederick Taylor when he printed principles of scientific management in 1900s. BPR is an analysis of the existing processes in an organisation and reengineering it for improvement in performances instead of a complete replacement of a process. BPR is used to bring about change in an organisation through focusing on employee responsibilities, organisational structures, incentive systems the use of information technology etc. It can reduce the time and cost of processes to do a certain job. MONITORING- While implementing change the organisations change has to be monitored constantly. According to Khandker (2010) a monitoring system consists of setting goals and targets. The results that are derived from it are used to evaluate the performance. Monitoring helps in promoting accountability and dialogue among the policy makers and stakeholders and also policy design and implementation. Evaluation is an assessment of the results that are achieved by the programme. The challenges in monitoring are too; Identify the goals that are supposed to be achieved. Identify key indicators that are used to monitor progress against these goals. Set targets that are supposed to be achieved by a given date. Set up a monitoring system to track progress to achieve specific targets. Therefore, encouraging better management and responsibility for projects and programmes. KAIZEN CONTINOUS IMPROVEMENT- Kaizen is continuous improvement step by step involving everyone within the organisation. While implementing quality change Kaizen can be considered because kaizen means continuous improvement. It has to be n